Samuel Wong :

Web developer and UX enthusiast. Passionate about creating complete and coherent user experiences using enticing and innovative design principles.


Personal, Work-in Progress2022

When my sister started ChaiSweets, she never intended for it to become a side-hustle, instead more of a way to entertain her baking-craves. The popularity she gained from the desserts pushed her to establish a dedicated social media page, followed by some business cards and promo deals. After a while, she requested me to help her create a site to better showcase her creations. It would also help her track what she has made as well as streamline customer inquiries. ChaiSweets boasts a modernistic style with a hint of edginess, inspired by contemporary architecture and ornamental stone (marble, quartz and granite). The color pallete is quite monochrome with some color signatures of mint, sage green and a natural wood brown. These color contrasts are balanced by a clean and uncomplicated layout to finalize the design. There are a few things I want to play around with in this project: React-Hook-Form for customer requests, Styled Components for CSS and some testing with Jest/Enzyme. I'm also eagered to use more React hooks and want to learn how to create my own hooks as well, with the ultimate goal of knowing how to use them intuitively.

technology used

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • React.js
  • Next.js


Project Image
Project Image