Samuel Wong :

Web developer and UX enthusiast. Passionate about creating complete and coherent user experiences using enticing and innovative design principles.



Single-Page Application built on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) to learn React and further flesh out full stack skillset. The website back-end and front-end are hosted through Heroku and Netlify respectively. NailStyle was created as a template for a nail salon website that small businesses could adopt. It features an admin terminal for the management of customers, employees and appointments, as well as a page for customers to book appointments. All data is stored in the MongoDB database and fetched using our REST API calls. We also included some authentication using JSON Web Tokens, but only for administrators. Finally, the app is fully responsive on both desktop and mobile devices. I worked with a friend to revamp a local business's nail salon website given a list of user requirements, issues to resolve and optimizations to add. The biggest issue we noticed in these smaller business's sites was the lack of clarity and a cohesive theme. Salon services help people feel beautiful and comfortable in their appearances, and their website should radiate the same feeling of elegance. With that being said, since NailStyle is only a template, we decided to stick to a simpler structure/template that could then be personalized to suit a business's desires. Therefore, the current design is as minimalistic as we would ever see it.

technology used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB


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