Samuel Wong :

Web developer and UX enthusiast. Passionate about creating complete and coherent user experiences using enticing and innovative design principles.

Personal Portfolio


First website iteration to showcase my work, developed in React, Next.js and SASS. My design inspiration was based on a combination of modern aesthetics and minimalism, finished with a monochromatic pallete and a hint of my favourite color - red. The website was deployed using Vercel and uses the React Reveal library for some subtle animations. One of my main objectives of the site was visual hierarchy and understanding proportions on the page. Making sure there is an intention for a component to be lighter in tone or having a specific margin to draw attention toward it. If there's one thing I learned, it's that there are many many options that look great which can overwhelm you quite fast. However, it is important to stick to your theme and finish what you started in order to not second-guess the quality of work and stay productive. There's always time to develop make another version. I hope to create a modular/scalabe version that lets me add in different elements and features easily. It would have parts of a blog, parts of a portfolio, parts of a dashboard-esq style, many parts that can be personalized. My end goal of it all would be a website that feels like an autobiography/log of my life, thoughts and work.

technology used

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • React.js
  • Next.js


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