Samuel Wong :

Web developer and UX enthusiast. Passionate about creating complete and coherent user experiences using enticing and innovative design principles.


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Nail Salon website app built on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) to learn React and flesh out full stack skillset. Features a simple RESTful API implementation. The app has a terminal for admins to manage customers, employees and appointments, as well as an appointment page for customers.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
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Final project for my Database Management course, mimicking an online eCommerce clothing store. Features a simple RESTful API implementation. Clients can log into their account, browse products, add/remove them from their cart, checkout with personal information and review their orders.

  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
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Personal Portfolio

First website iteration to showcase my work, developed in React, Next.js and SASS. My design inspiration was based on a combination of modern aesthetics and minimalism, finished with a monochromatic pallete and a hint of my favourite color - red. The website was deployed using Vercel and uses the React Reveal library for some subtle animations.

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • React.js
  • Next.js
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Work-in-progress website built on React, Nextjs and SASS for my sister's small local business. As she only used social media, I offered to create a more professional showcase of her business via a website to better sell, promote and track her creations. Informed by her suggestions and feedback, I designed and developed the site with the intention of a modern, slightly edgy style with a monochromatic color pallete.

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • React.js
  • Next.js
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Final project for my iOS development course that mimics a social media application based on creating makeupp routines. Built on SwiftUI using Firebase's Cloud Firestore to manage backend infrastructure.

  • SwiftUI
  • Firebase
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Laser Unlock

Phone application that re-envisions our phone-unlock methods from the traditional slide-to-unlock and pin/password. Using Android Studio's sensor framework, I created a minigame that mimics a cat trying to catch a laser. In order to unlock your phone, the cat must catch the laser 3 times in the correct positions, which the user would set as their password.

  • Android Studio
  • Java
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Semester-long group project focused on UX/UI design. SmartSpace assisted those that integrated many smart devices into their home and needed a device manager API to handle them all. The project was done entirely in Adobe XD to emphasize taking a user-orientated approach to our problems.

  • Adobe XD
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Plants Vs Zombies Clone

Final project for my Introductory Computer Science course, mimicking the famous Tower Defense game Plants Vs Zombies. I built this project with Object-Orientated principles in mind, utilizing Java's class structure to create the plants and zombies and JavaFx to control the game engine and GUI. The game was simplified to a simple attack-defend style, with users having 6 main plants to defend against 7 types of zombies.

  • Java
  • JavaFX